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Thursday 26 September 2019

Dry eye

As dry eye condition is not just due to insufficient tear production, it could be because of an increase in tear evaporation that may be due to a reduction in the oil film produced by the glands on the edge of the eyelids (Meibomian glands). If these are clogged the regular use of a hot compress for 10 min intervals can help to liquefy the oil more and make it easier for the oil to be massaged out of the clogged glands.

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دکتر شهیره شریف (PhD, MSC)
Disclaimer: the main purpose of this blog is to assemble my notes for my Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The topic discussed here should not be referred to as the only source of information. If there is anything with respect to this article that concerns you, please contact your doctor or pharmacist
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